Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Lordy Lord Lord!


I feel tired and dead and sleepy. I think that's because my mother gave me a pill to cure colds -- which I think I have. Plus, I just finished my what-a-ma-call-it...geo project thing that's worth a third of our term grade which I just HAVE to get an A on.
So Meagan, if you're reading this, about Saturday where we planned to have a play date or something, could you call me later?
Juliet, by the way, is a hyper-emo-incredibly annoying-BFF. Along with Meagan, ArtAddict, Michelle, Kimmmeeee, my friends in USA, if you're reading this -- Julianne, Sara, Suzi, Emily, Carolyn, Meg... In Beijing, Doris, Emily, Hye Rin, Judy, Monique -- Mo Mo!, Won Jeong...
In Tianjin, Cleo, Shermaine, En Qi, Heng An, Yin...
Ok, I think I'm done.
Did I say that already?
I was planning to finish my Art and Maths but that seems that it'll have to wait until the week end which is the day after tomorrow!! Thank God! I don't think that I can take any more effort in school. Thank god for Touch rugby! I prefer it like times ten over badminton. Actually, come to think of it, either's really OK. I just think that I'm better at Touch Rugby. I can't believe that we have to run for 4 minutes non stop with sprinting like a total of a minute. It may not seem like much, but you try it. I think I was better today compared to the time before. I'm improving! *jumps in air*
Meanwhile, let's talk about my day. So, I went to school -- my math teacher has gone MAD. MAD I TELL YOU MAD!!!!! He gave us like 3 exercises to do, odd numbers, but each of them is like three pages long!!!! And there's a LOT of odd numbers.
English was fun, naturally. It was pretty mysterious with the book and everything but I'm trying my best not to spoil it for my friends cuz I already read it.
Art was OK. At least I got an A* on my homework -- I think anyways. This piece of homework that my teacher gave us is something that I'm good at. I should enjoy this.
What else? Science, we did an experiment to try to make pollen tubes grow. Ours failed. *sniff sniff* But, I think every one's did.
Meanwhile, I did Yoga for a co-curricular activity. It was fun. But a boy spoilt my relaxation later on.
So then I went on the bus. THE BUS ARRIVES AT MY HOUSE AT 6:45!!! We get out of school at 4:30!!!! So they dropped me outside of the compound and I had to walk inside..actually, dunno why I'm complaining. It was fun walking outside, pitch dark, alone, wind buffeting around la, in heaven.
Oh yeah, homework awaits.
QOtD: (Maximum Ride, #4)
Fang: You look like a...girl.
Max: There's a reason for that.