Sunday, December 21, 2008

Random people - BA's birthday


LOVE YOU FROM TELE'S (teletubbies)
JB has blessed BA with angst. BA, you are now officially 13!! Teenager!! Thank the lord that I'm not 13 yet ---- not that 13's just sounds...........nevermind.
Soo, BA, how was your concert?? Saw your favorite composer/musician???? Was it good???
Have fun in Indonesia!!:
Right. Now that that's over.....HAVE YOU SEEN THE FOLLOWING BLOGS:
1. Arts Addict -
2. Juliet Benjamyn -
They are my BFF's and they are sooooooo's an extract from JB's:

"Yeah. Happy belated birthday to BA. Umm... Yeah. Many happy returns (why do they say that?) and um...
...and blood. Yeah. Blood. Yuuuuuuuummyyyyyy.
YOU ARE NOW AN ACNE-STRICKEN TEENAGER! XD LOL. From this day forward, you shall start developing annoyance for your parents, the world, and yourself. You shall become extremely hormonal, emotional, and most of all, vengeful. Because as we know, teenagers are all about one thing: REVENGE."

Tsk Tsk Tut Tut JB, revenge is a bad thing.
Don't encourage BA. Bad JB!
PS. JB, when do you get back from USA?

Oh yes, thanks to JB, I have Good Charlotte stuck in my head.
I'm thinking about opening a blog transferring my database's information onto that.....nah. JK!!
Anyways, I gotta go to read......
Merry Early Christmas!!


Thunderstrike said...

Revenge is a good thing mogo, and what do you mean you "gotta go to read"? will you die if you stop reading?

Caitlyn said...

hey! yes SJ, she will die. Did you know that the average American only reads three books a year? i don't think that's even POSSIBLE. anyway, yes, we are random! Btw LA, Good Charlotte's a band, not a song, so how could you have them stuck in your head? LOL i know you meant a song. Probably Dance Floor Anthem which is actually NOT CALLED DANCE FLOOR ANTHEM.
lol. have a fantastic Christmas!! And have a great time at that place you're going to tomorrow with your parents!!! xxoxoxoxo LV (i think you'll get that....yours is ET. Get it? xoxox)

Literacy Actress said...

Hey, thanks AA!!
Yes, I will die.
And I have I don't wanna fall in love (dance floor anthem) and We Believe stuck in my head!!
luv you LV. I don't think that I'm going anywhere on second thought because of the weather!

Ikigami said...

If i excluded dj machale, darren shan, all mangas, and all the other cool books, I read a total capacity of 0 books per year.. meaning no novels, autobiography's poems and stuff yet I still appear to be in perfect health

Meagan Larson said...

Yes, Mogo must read at least 5 books a week. It's a health condition she has. I think it's something like mogoitis. Yeah, that's it. Mogoitis. AND IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!!!! It's transferred through . . . kissing. So, Mogo, don't go kissing anyone, or else they shall suffer from the same thing you do!!!!!!!!!!!

(unfortunately, she might not think that's a bad thing.)

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!! *tear* Wow. It's almost been a year since I met you. And Michy's 13 now! Gasp! I'm almost 14. WOOHOO! IT'S ON SUNDAY! And next year in 9th grade, I can take driving lessons and get my license when i'm 15. Cuz that's how old you have to be in Idaho.

Idaho pwns.

Oh! I like that one song by Good Charlotte . . . and I can't remember the name. NO! I REMEMBER IT NOW! I LIKE . . . darn it i forgot again. Well, I'll let you know when I remember.


Byeeee. Again, does anyone know how to fix my blog to allow comments?

Bloody Aerona said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!