Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another...umm...let's not put it in the title

I'm really bored right now so I decided to post something really short but um...uhhh..... version of the Rankings of Who likes Who. Right.

OK. Calm down. *breaths in and out soothingly*
3. AA and Goldie Locks. (AKA Locky) I think that they look good together. And anyways, since AA didn't want to be with the ex-cripple, Locky is a good substitute.
2. BA and SJ. Hmmm....demoted, eh? Well, nothing's really been that exciting anyways right now. Hurrrrrumph.
1. JB and the NEW cripple. LOL. Okkkkkkkaaaayyyy...I'll give two reasons for this. One, they look good together and two, well, the new cripple obviously likes JB. Everyone in my class WILL agree.....well, except for JB and the cripple (I think).
I think I just signed my own death warrant. I gotta go.
PS. Would my friends PLEASE calm down when they read this? You don't want to boil your brain cells.....


Meagan Larson said...

You'd think that Mogo would have something to do that just attempt suicide.

Now that I think about it, AA and Locky would look cute together.

And you and SJ would look even cuter.

Someone's in denial. *tut tut, looks like rain*

Literacy Actress said...

No we don't.

Caitlyn said...

"Today, my dear friends, is a very sorrowful day. You see, dear friends, it is the day that two unfortunate young souls have been taken from us, taken from our Earth, our soil, our lives. And all because they signed their very own death warrants. EXACTLY, dear friends! They personally put their signatures down and personally said that they wished to die. FOR MAKING FALSE ASSUMPTIONS. Their last wishes were to be boiled, stewed, sheesh-ka-bobbed, pan fried and simmered in cyanide by the victims of their FALSE ASSUMPTIONS. Today, dear friends, we say goodbye. Goodbye, JZ and LA. You have been brutally killed, as you wished. And with the power vested in me, JB, BA, SJ and every other victim of these FALSE ASSUMPTIONS, you shall now rest in non-peace."

Thunderstrike said...

who's locky? And wtf, what makes you think I'm a couple with BA anyways?

Thunderstrike said...

WTF again, this time to JZ, me and mogo????

Ikigami said...

i dunno who locky is, at least no one who is in dcs right now...

But still mogo why do you keep on posting these useless posts if you know you are going to die. I'm more than happy to join in the bloodshed

on your last rating my mouth acted quicker than my brain and loads of people threatened to kill me but they seemed to have forgotten.

Thunderstrike said...

Oh yeah, I remember, I still have to kill Ikigami. Thank you for reminding me.

Caitlyn said...

yeah, thanks SJ and Ikigami for reminding LA that Locky is NO ONE in DCS right now, so that's all good XD. Happy CNY! (Before you die, that is) :)
PS: I said that because JB is going to kill you. Good luck with that. :)

Literacy Actress said...

Good lord. And I KNOW AA!! JB will kill me....that's not good. No, not good at all....
Hmm *devises plan* Uhhhh...
And Ikigami, if you MUST know, I was bored and it's funny to see people's comments. And posting it. And learn to count. Always is not twice.

Meagan Larson said...

Thank you for killing me AA. This time someone finally took action.

You know, I've been threatened several times, but never actually, really killed.

Heaven is beautiful. It may have felt good when you boiled, stewed, shish ka bobbed, pan fried and simmered me, but now I shall have the last laugh.

Cause where I am right now, chocolate grows on trees, happiness is available for free, and I have my own ocean in my backyard.

So haha to you, AA, and if you ever want to die, come and join me in paradise.

* * * * *

Ooookay, that was strange. No more late nights for you, Meagan.

Literacy Actress said...

So like you!!
Love you!

Ikigami said...

mogo i find it more funny to see you get beaten to a pulp by some people while i watch rather than just "look at peoples comments"

Wei-Wei said...


*clears throat*

I, JB, have just gotten back from HK.

Like literally, So I open my computer, which I haven't opened in aaaaaaaaages (okay, three days) and I EXPECT to find something nice and happy and calming after all the Chinese people at the airport claiming baggage at ONE CONVEYOR BELT. As you can imagine, I am pretty pissed at the moment.

I'll leave the strangling/kicking/throttling/punching/MURDERING imagination to all of you, my dear friends.

........... you're dead, mogo.

Caitlyn said...

Now is it, JZ? Maybe I WILL join you up there....wait, you're in HEAVEN? Wow, God must be really nice, I wouldn't have expected you to end up there.....LOL JUST KIDDING!! Don't kill me! Well, if you do, I'll be in Heaven too......XD Never mind, i'm babbling again. see you guys on tuesday!

Wei-Wei said...

*puts on ruthless mogo-killer costume*