Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

This is basically for JZ and BA.

So HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY JZ (belated really cuz it was yesterday).
BA had her on the 20th and turned 13!!!
Happy belated birthday to you both!!!!!
I'm so happy for you!!!!
You know how friends stick together through thick and thin, wherever we go in this world???
We basically met in a five from different countries. JB was from Taiwan, China...or Taiwan. BA was Chinese-American-Japanese. AA was German-American-Chinese. JZ was American. We are a 'melting pot'. Which is basically something that is a mixture of cultures and languages.
It's really cool how we met in Shanghai, China.
So this is for you guys.
Love you all!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and Fun Rankings

So it's Boxing Day!

Merry Late Christmas!!
I hope that your Christmas was fun. I got what I'll never guess. *sarcasm*
So to pay back on some people, I decided to rank something that I'm interested in: pairs.
I'll only pair up the Top 5 in Year 9AR in code language so not everyone can understand.
5. Cindy and Sheep
They don't really like each other and don't exactly fit that well, but I thought that that's funny. Well, OK, it's a one sided relationship.
4. AA and Cripple
AA's going to kill me but I put you on 4th place!! They don't REALLY fit and AA doesn't like the cripple but they look good together....okay, don't kill me. *raises arms in self defense*
3. Ev and OT
AA should get this. They are dating but it doesn't seem like they like each other.
2. (okay, kinda scared) JB and LB
AT LEAST I PUT YOU IN SECOND!!! You'll do well together.
Which means..........
1. BA and SJ
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I'll pay for this. But me being me is ought to put these two in 1st.
This is really amusing for me but I'll probably die before Jan. 6 (the day that school starts).
Uh oh...
PS. To BA, JB, AA, let's just solve this matter peacefully, shall we? No bloodshed should be involved.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Random people - BA's birthday


LOVE YOU FROM TELE'S (teletubbies)
JB has blessed BA with angst. BA, you are now officially 13!! Teenager!! Thank the lord that I'm not 13 yet ---- not that 13's just sounds...........nevermind.
Soo, BA, how was your concert?? Saw your favorite composer/musician???? Was it good???
Have fun in Indonesia!!:
Right. Now that that's over.....HAVE YOU SEEN THE FOLLOWING BLOGS:
1. Arts Addict -
2. Juliet Benjamyn -
They are my BFF's and they are sooooooo's an extract from JB's:

"Yeah. Happy belated birthday to BA. Umm... Yeah. Many happy returns (why do they say that?) and um...
...and blood. Yeah. Blood. Yuuuuuuuummyyyyyy.
YOU ARE NOW AN ACNE-STRICKEN TEENAGER! XD LOL. From this day forward, you shall start developing annoyance for your parents, the world, and yourself. You shall become extremely hormonal, emotional, and most of all, vengeful. Because as we know, teenagers are all about one thing: REVENGE."

Tsk Tsk Tut Tut JB, revenge is a bad thing.
Don't encourage BA. Bad JB!
PS. JB, when do you get back from USA?

Oh yes, thanks to JB, I have Good Charlotte stuck in my head.
I'm thinking about opening a blog transferring my database's information onto that.....nah. JK!!
Anyways, I gotta go to read......
Merry Early Christmas!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

This, I guess is random and Ms. Spell-checker is here at my place.

She says, "Hey!"
So, about our drama production.....Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Some of us (who shall remain nameless) are determined to get a main part, some of us "gave our souls to the devil", some of us quit the production entirely.
I think that the production isn't exactly a drama for the whole thing is completely sung through.....COMPLETELY!!
Here's AA:
LA: So, what do you think of Joseph?
AA: ....he has a nice coat.
I meant the play.
AA: dude, it's called JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT. No DUH he has a coat. Lol XD. hmm.....the narrator seems like a pretty good part, but i don't like how the entire play is completely singing, cuz then it's like.....opera drama, not acting drama. you know what i mean?
LA: LOL!!! Opera drama!! *rolls on the floor with laughter*
Right. So, the narrator is awesome, I agree. Yes, I do understand what you're trying to say. The whole play is very upbeat though. If I don't get a good part, I'm dropping out to Writers Club or join backstage...
AA: mmm. you know, there IS such thing as opera drama. here, i'll give you the proper definition 
OPERA DRAMA: An act displayed and performed completely through singing. There! So yeah. Same, if i don't get a good role, which i probably won't, i'll drop out, but if you get a really good role, i'm definitely going to come watch it and support you. XD
LA: I WON'T GET A GOOD PART!! I can't even sing. Me too, though....
YOU MADE UP THE DEFINITION. That doesn't count. Enough about opera drama. X)
AA: ......your grammar is disgraceful. btw, I DID NOT MAKE THAT DEFINITION. THERE IS SUCH THING. DUH. :) :) :) :) :) :)
LA: Humph. Hoof. Hoofelhoff. Brrrrkachinling!!!!
Gotta go!!!
LA and AA.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last Day of School

Last day of school!!

The whole day was exciting intertwined with sadness for the people who are leaving.
The whole school assembly was....reasonably OK. I mean, wha-hooo for us, Shackleton pwned you all!! And I'm proud of those little kids. Footloose looked good. Jess B is a REALLY GOOD SINGER. The lyrics are.......slightly weird but her voice is extreamly good.
Overall, I'm thrilled over Shackleton's performance around the school. Good job to us!!
The senior school assembly was upbeat with all of the student body performances. I enjoyed the farewell poems. I thought that they were written VERY well.
But the down side of that assembly was.....senior chamber choir...bleh! X(
I HATE singing in front of people. Bleh. Disgusting.... And the worst part is that for my audition for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat, I have to sing....ahhhh!!!!
I have a horrible voice. I CAN'T sing....
But it's drama.
And I love drama.
Enough about school. So unlike JB or JZ or BA, I'm not going anywhere special. I'm staying here.
But hopefully, I'll be able to have loads of playdates with RG/AA and JB and BA and JZ. When they get back.
So, Mr. Peeearrkeeee gave each of us four our teletubbies. Tinky-winky got deflated by Kiwi who's going back to New Zealand. Awww........let us have a joking.
Po came crinkled and thanks to SOME ONE in particular [looks over to SJ], AKA her boyfrien-- never mind. Right. And because of SJ, Po became even MORE crinkled.
But LaLa and Dipsy came out of the school OK.
I'm really going to miss my friends. So here's a message to all:
JZ: Have fun in USA!! Luv you! Call me once you get back, OK? So how's Concordia nowadays??
We miss you over here in DCS. So good luck in Idaho.
JB: Good luck in DC and NY!! You'll love the lights, the wonders, the fresh air, the excitement. Call me AS SOON AS YOU GET BACK and take some pics for me, OK? Think of us when you're over there! Luv you!
BA: Good luck in Indonesia! I've never been there, take sum snap shots for me, OK? And while you're at it, think of us. Ignore everything cruel this term and think of the future. When's your B-Day party, BTW?
All: You three (and any one who's my BFF and going sumwhere), think this, I love you!!
I'll miss you all!!
And I can't leave RG/AA out so here's to you:
RG/AA: Call me as soon as possible, OK?? See you on the 19th! Do you want to come over around 11-1, so around lunch time. Or anytime, really.
But bring extra stuff for the sleepover. On the 20th, when do you want to leave? You can leave anytime before um......6 (cuz that's when I have my art class).
Luv you!!!

Actually, I love all of my friends.
I'm so happy to have you.....OK?
So have a very good holiday, the friends who are leaving, who are going outside of Shanghai, and who's staying in Shanghai.
I'll see you next term, if not earlier... [glances towards BA, AA/RG, JB, JZ]
Skype me.....!

Your very dedicated friend,
Or HoofBrrrrrr!!
LOL...(inside joke Ikigami (thanks FV) and SJ)

Love you all. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Lying and Secrets

Dear bloggers,

You do know about lying, right? I'm not here to explode or anything.
But I hate secrets. I hate people lying to me. We have so much time in the world and we just have to spend a lot of it lying.
People lie. Sometimes its understandable, like not to hurt anyone's feelings. But under useless conditions, it's just plain stupid.
I'm known for my 'love service'. Part of that's because I hate secrets. Your body's so uncomfortable and you have this gut feeling. The other reason is because of innocent curiosity.
It's stupid though. So many people die because of lies. People are hurt because of them.
You know how you like someone and they lie to you? I read continuous stories about how people, girls especially, are hurt because of them. Especially preteen and teenage girls.
So be careful. Ask your friends for help. They'll give you a shoulder to lean on. Visit Arts Addict's blog to view more on this subject of friendship.
People have their up and down modes. I guess now, I'm in my down mode. But this, you have to understand, is not an explosion. It's simply a warning of lies and secrets swimming in the pitch black sea - demolishing peoples' dreams and bonds of trust.
Be carful. For it is a world of unforgiveness.

PS. Anyone read 'An Inspector Calls' by JB Priestley? We, in English class had to take the persona of Eva Smith and write down her feelings in her 'diary'.
It's a really good play. If you didn't enjoy it, that's probably because you didn't scratch the surface hard enough the find out the core meaning inside it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Stories and Four Teletubbies (inside joke)

So AA's over at my place right now. 

She says, "Hi".
So here's a list of the stories that I know that are being written right now.
SJ: Shen (god)
LB: School Wars
AA: The Sandwich and The Murder (title currently not decided)
JB: The Electricity Story (title currently not decided) and the Midna story.
BA: That 100 page story (Sorry, BA, I dunno the title.)
LA: Not telling you.
Here are the links.
AA: On paper - not telling you.
JB: (Midna Story)
BA: She's publicly reporting it to everyone so ask her to email it to you.
LA: Still not telling you.

So..................................have a good weekend.
Oh yeah, visit AA's blog. She has a good description of our day on Friday. I'm too lazy to write down everything.
I will post.
I promise.
I think.


PS. AA corrected all of my mistakes. (happy??)
AA: (ker-PLONK! no.)
LA: (uurgggghhhh!!!)

LA: Hoof-
JB: el-
AA: hoff -
BA: !

This is our weirdness.
The four teletubbies.
From Japan, Germany, Australia, Spain.
A Cat, Shark, Monkey, Dolphin.
----Earth, Fire, Air, Water!!!

I bet you can figure out who's who.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

'My Happy Ending'

I'm listening to 'My Happy Ending' by Avril Lavigne and I think that I'm addicted. Uh-oh. That's not good.

So the whole day, overall was OK.
Lunch and Music was slightly depressing (I'm not telling you why) but AA cheered me up. And once I got back home, a text message was pretty cheerful. So I'm good right now.
Before...hmmmm.....lets see, oh yeah! AA took Crutch's duty today. It was pretty hilarious. (Still not telling you why. JB should understand.) Science was reasonably good. I finished really early so I was chatting with AA and looking at constellations. Then was Mandarin - I was hyperventilating because I didn't study but I got a decent score. After break was Hey, I finished in class our homework so I'm good. i didn't think that I would so I was racing through it. But while the teacher (Mr. S) was explaining, I was ATTEMPTING to listen but a certain hand motion caught my eye...........AA AND JB! So I joined along, wiggling our fingers in front of our forehead meaning..........ah, never mind. You don't need to know. Then was English. Ah, luxury......problemo! We were performing our Inspector Calls play. (As in JB, Ollie, Ben - I forgot his name.... and me.) So, I was panicking. But someone *cough* the boys *cough* were NOT paying attention during our preparation time. So, we didn't exactly screw up, we used an ancient technique - improvisation!!
Then was lunch - JB, AA, and BA should know what happened. Boy, was I exasperated or what by the end of lunch. *sigh*
So the day was a ------------------3 star rating. But AA soothed me during Music so thank you AA! You rock!
Signing off now - el espanol prueba tomorrow!
[BA, AA, JB, and LA at lunch table]
LA: Foil, and apple. Not table and apple!
JB: Listen -
[BA and LA start talking]
JB: Shut up!
OK. Listen, [then hands go into chopping motions for each syllable.]
Ta-ble and Fo-il. Comprende? Apples-and-Plastic-bag. No-Apples-and-Foil. Ap-ples-hap-py!
AA: And the blue lunch box pwns all!
LA: Wait!
BA: No-no!
[Everyone starts talking at once. Shouting the occasional APPLES or FOIL or TABLE or LUNCH BAG or THE BLUE LUNCH BOX PWNS ALL!]

Friday, November 14, 2008

Night Sky Eye

I was randomly typing in keywords on and I came across this image! I'm entitling it: Night Sky Eye.
Random, I know.
Talking about my you might know, Eve and JB's blog contain a quiz. I can't be bothered to paste the quiz all the way here so I'm summarizing it.
My overall reaction: I'M 12! I DON'T KISS, GET 'MARRIED' NOR DO I HAVE A BOYFRIEND WHEN I'M 12. Jeez.
I do NOT like any one now - boys are very annoying at this coming age. I have NEVER been on a date. Yes, I do have a stalker.
............................JB. No kidding. She was sticking to me ALL lunch break.
I would love to control the water - tides, rain...(as you all may be aware of).
I don't have an ex - no duh, I don't date!
I have worn by BFF's clothes. Have never gone skinny dipping (not quite sure what that is).
Marriage. Marriage. Marriage. ARE YOU MAD? MAD. I'll describe diagnosis your sickness as being mad. Seriously. I'm 12. What I think of marriage is having a slave around the house.

ANYWAYS, how do you think of the picture?
[LA and JB taking in the locker room and BA comes along.]
LA and JB: doo do do do do do do do do do do do.....
We were soooooooooooo not talking about BA and SJ.........soooooooo not........
JB: OW! What was that for?
(BA has just hit poor LA and JB on the head with a heavy hardback textbook.......and BA was laughing like mad............while LA and JB rub the back of their heads.................................yeah.)


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Elements in different languages


No offense intended, but nobody is commenting on my blog - apart from jaybeee.


OK, according to the title, I'm translating the elements - Fire, Earth, Air, and Water into different languages.

Spanish - fuego
French - incendie
German - feuer
Chinese - 火
Italian - fuoco
Danish - brand

Spanish - tierra
French - terre
German - erde
Chinese - 地
Italian - terra
Danish - jord

Spanish - aire
French - air
German - luft
Chinese - 气
Italian - aria
Danish - luft

Spanish - agua
French - eau
German - wasser
Chinese - 水
Italian - acqua
Danish - vand

Awesome, eh???
Love the elements!!!


JB: Caitlynpoop!
AA: Stop that.
JB: Arse Addict!
AA: OK, WW, stop.
LA: Typos, eh?
JB: I'm serious, they WERE typos!
[after moment's pause]
JB: Hasslehoff!!!

Weird friends, eh?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Back from GuiZhou

So we - 9AR and 9ML got back from GuiZhou yesterday. This will seriously be a short post because I have to finish my English Empathy project.

It was different. I'm serious. It wasn't like Yangshuo where there was luxury - bamboo rafting, rock climbing, etc. We had to experience different things - such as teaching the local kids (SGJ getting pwned), repairing roads, and hiking for 5 hours. It wasn't exactly luxury - but it wasn't h-e-l-l either.
So we - as in me, JB, BA, SGJ - sometimes LB and AA - played Truth or Dare. I liked the way JB thinks!! I won't say anything - cough BA and cough SGJ - look on JB/SGJ's blog for funny details.
I was dead tired by the time I got back but I had this really good dinner so it was worth it. Plus, I got some really funny pics and videos that I'll post later.
But for now, I'm ready to finish Part 2/3 of English!

JB: 1-2-3
JB + LA: Queso!

BA: Stop taking pictures of me eating [LB]!
LB: Be that way, I'll take a picture of me drinking!
[Camera films LA]
LA: I'm serious. Gimmee back my camera!
[Hands camera over to JB. JB films AA.]
AA: HI!!!!! [waves frantically]
[JB turns camera to face her.]
JB: HIII!!!!!
[Films poor LA eating. Camera faces LA's face to bowl to face to bowl to face to bowl to face to bowl to f-]
LA: What?!
[Films SGJ. Peace sign. Turns camera to AA.]
AA: HHHIIII!! [second wave frantically]
[BA's back is turned.]
[End video]

I dunno if it was like that. Oh well.

XO! LA-la

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Short post

This'll be a short post.

The first one since school started.
I'm finishing off my Geography review for our quiz tomorrow.
Apparently it's easy but me being me is panicking my head off.
I'll talk about my day...
Spanish was OK, better than expected. I think tomorrow will be better.
PE, badminton... I was pretty bad. Staying in one or two courts the whole time.
Break? What did I do? Oh yeah! Going to the library, being extremely annoyed by JB's temper. However, we were all friends later on. (Although Art was a little rocky but by English, everything was fine.)
As you might know, Art was next. I drew this woman, focusing on her fabric in chalk pastel with shades of blues. It was pretty good, I must admit, even by MY standards.
So how was English? Well, Mr. Rich swore at us because he was mad (no duh) and we couldn't stop laughing. He was talking about our assessment (1st one of the year) and I think that I was the only one listening. I was taking notes, well, so was AA, but she started later on. I'm not too eager to start, but I'll have to limit myself.
Lunch break? We were talking while eating lunch, spent till 1:10. Then, we doodled and hung around in Mr. Pearkkeee's room till the bell rang.
Off to Maths we went. MATHS! Well, actually, this lesson was OK. (Can you believe that? OK?) Well, we revised on MyMaths and stuff and checked our answers to the exercises that we finished. Now, we're done with all three of the chapters that are going to be on the EXAM on Thursday.
Now science. Science, we conducted an experiment where we did a paper clip prediction, trying to break/snap the paper clip within an amount of time. We had to evaluate it for homework.
Then, ammmmmm am ummmm....Yoga. Peaceful. Serene.... well, yeah, you get the idea. I quite enjoyed it actually.
And then, HOME. Thank god. I was feeling wary.
Now, LA, one last day of this weight of homework, tests, assessments, homework, tests....I'm good....
So this was a pretty long post.
Thank me.
[outside of Mr. Pearkkee's room]
LA: Should we go inside?
JB: Who cares?
[strolls inside]
AA: Annual drawing. Happy clappers, Hitler mustache, Emo hair. Check, check, check.
JB: ...with hatred, from the muppets/tele-tubbies...note the absence of the word  'love.'
[plays on computers till the bell. We all look at the board.]
LA: He'll see it later.
JB: Yeah.
[All of us walk out]

Sunday, October 5, 2008

School's getting closer....

It seems as if I'm personifing (is that a word?) school. As if it's a stalker. But school is really.....really......REALLY.... kind of, well stressing me out. Tests, exams, assessments, HOMEWORK, friends (yes!), annoying boys....

My holiday.
Well I'm sorry I didn't update over the holidays but we went to this place called the Silver Pearl Garden where we got a holiday house with my grandparents. We played sports such as Ping Pong, badminton, basketball, bowling, swimming... It was really relaxing and well, AWESOME! I read a few books - like the Chaos Code (note to self: read it again). I need to check out some more books.
Well I thought I'll do a detailed favorites and non-favorites and firsts lists - like Jaybeeeee (sorry I'm sort of copying ya!)
Here goes:

Favs -
Color - Blue
Country -USA (no duh)
State - Connecticut (CT)
Class - English (I think you could tell)
Movie - Flicka
Sport - Horse back riding
Animal - Horses
Song - The Other Side of the World by KT Tunstall
Book - ARRRRRRR... I hate that question. Look on my About me thingy to see the full list
Fav anythings - Anything related to English, ELEMENTS!!!, drama, art, guitar, hanging out with friends, and listen to music.

Non-Favs -
Color - Muddy brown
Country - No where really
Gender - Boys (no duh)
Class - Maths (I'm OK with my teacher, just the subject)
Language - Hebrew (it looks complicated)
Non-Fav anythings - eating (I'm not kidding you), mathematical equations (especially long division), being bored, HAVING NO BOOKS TO READ (I tell you, I can pass for being psycho if I don't have any books for a period of time), FIRE!!!!!, those freaky crocodiles (I watched a NG movie about that and it freaked me out), being bossed around.

Firsts -
BFF - Hope
Word - Mama
Fav animal - I think it was a bunny....
Fav color - Pink
Language - English
Pet - Fish named Boyd
Award - In grade 2, for reading the most books - I think (well, it's related to books)
Kiss - EWWWWWWWW!!!!! BLEHHH!!!! Sorry. Can't help it. N/A

Reading now...

QOtD -
JZ- Hey what happened to the English nerd?
[rolls eyes]

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Going to um..... nowhere

Hey all,
LA here again.
Soo, as you can see from the title, I'm going .... nowhere, for now at least. I'm dead bored.
So I'll talk very briefly about McCain and Obama debate that happened well...yesterday in USA (it played live today from 9, was it? To 11.) The aftermaths: so Obama won the campaign. I personally think that that's extremely unfair considering the fact that more democratics were in the poll than the republicans. Unfortunate, eh? I thought that the two began fairly, neither beating nor losing and then Obama cornered McCain into talking about George Bush, McCain ignoring the subject entirely... Then McCain always said Senator Obama and Obama addressing his opponent as John. I don't think that that's fair. I think that McCain debated better than Obama but Obama held his ground well. This is the 1st presidential debate until the election (there'll be three). On Thursday, Eastern time USA, the vice presidents will battle together in Missouri (was it?).
FyreVortex (FV), Latios Blue (LB), Juliet Benjamyn (JB), Arts Addict (AA), Bloody Aerona (BA), ShimijimiJames (SMJ), I don't know Ben's yet...sorry!, neither Melody's, neither JZ' I was saying...the names above are my followers. Check their blogs out!
But I need to eat some oranges, and read, read, READ, READ, READ, READ I TELL YOU, READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I can, that is...
The point is that I'm currently very bored, any one who wants to call me later, feel free, just ask for me. If I'm not there, I'm probably at the bookstore or something. So try later. Comprende?
ALSO, as you may know, I'm completely OBSESSED with the elements. I might write a blog dedicated to it.....however, I'll talk about it in my next post.....maybe....possibly......
BA: Do you want a James killing spree?
LA: Sure!
[Kiera comes out of her bus]
SMJ: You!
[Keira chasing SMJ and Coconut, them screaming, AA, BA, JB, and LA laughing all heads off.]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Completely ecstatic


I just finished my two tests: Science and Spanish! Yes! I'm soooooooo happy, so very very happy. You see, I think I got a B or an A in Spanish, 80-90% in Science, so I'm good (which is and A* by the way).
So the guy directly in front of me is still doing his test but I think every one finished, more or less. Good for us, eh?
And the vacation is here!!!!! Finally!!!!! I think this is one of THE  most tiring weeks, ever!
No kidding.
So many pieces of homework, tests, but it was OK, I'm here, ALIVE!
Just 20 minutes before this lesson ends and then Mandarin, one of my favorites. Two good classes in a row. I'm lucky.
And my family is renting this AWESOME house in the rural areas of Shanghai over the holidays so I'm soo excited!!!
I'll visit dcs-daily now,
[A thousand miles playing]
Michy (BA): This is like Yangshuo!

Science AND Spanish TEST tomorrow!

Hey all,

I'm really quite annoyed at loads of people. I just had THE worst day ever in badminton.
Meanwhile, we have a spanish and science TEST tomorrow. Science is relatively easy, built up from our basic knowledge of inheritance and selection. Spanish, however, is an entirely different story. There's a boy in my class who said that he had to remember 187 words (or something like that). Senor (my spanish teacher) gives us, like 60 key words a day and expects us to remember it overnight....I'm going to die.
Which gives more explanations WHY I need to lordy lord lord!!!!
I HATE SCHOOL AT TIMES LIKE THIS.....but then I think of the bright side of school, like watching ShimigamiJames slam into a fence......ah, the memories! (LOL).
English was fun, as per usual, we were learning how to empathize with people. Something that I can't do with boys.
And we have to do some experiments, draft an essay (using bullet points) over the holidays. That's the catch.
So I gotta go,
PS. Luv ya friends (and JZ, tell me your blog name if you're getting one).
JB: Let's do that staring thing that we did in drama.
LA: But I want to eat my muffin.
JB: That's OK.
[they stare at each other, like in drama class, LA chewing slowly and JB reaching and tapping the table for a drink while AA starts talking at a hyper speed to both of us]
[JB bursts out laughing]
LA: Okay.......
[LA smiles]
[return to eating and chatting at lunch]
(That was an absurd quote, but the first that came to mind)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Freddie the dog riding a shetland pony

Isn't that awesome? Did I mention that I love horses and dogs? I adore them.

Drama was so much fun, we had to keep eye contact with a partner (mine was AA) and try not move our eyes to another direction...had to keep on staring. All in all, AA and I did a great job.
Juliet was hyper and emo, as per usual. Michy was same ol' Michy flirting with mmmmmm (copying AA, sorry!). Don't worry Michy, we love ya! I'm going to get bashed up by Juliet and Michy tomorrow......
I love my friends like sisters. They are the best (and JZ, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you, or Ezzy or Debbie! In fact, I'll dedicate this post to you three!)
I love Drama, like AA! In fact, like AA, I was just doing my art hw. I don't think I'll get an A for English, I'm prepared now.....though I'm not happy one bit about it.
NOW I gotta run, Science is calling (bleh).
QOtD: "And I could tell you, yes he could play guitar, I think he can see through, everything but my heart..." I'd Lie by Taylor Swift - one of my all time favorites!

To get things straight

Hey all,

Because ShinigamiJames says that 3 weird girls: a blackberry, a bookworm, and another bookworm that gets pissed off at everything, I'm here to edit that sentence. To clean the record, [no name] DOES NOT GET PISSED OF AT EVERYTHING. [no name] just gets very annoyed at the blackberry and shinigami idiot. Comprendo? To tell you the truth, I quite like the idiot's blog. Weird me, huh?
OKAY....And, I sort-of agree about his description of the class. It's true (MINUS THE "WEIRD GIRLS" bit).
So I need to do my homework and prepare for two tests on Friday.
LA-la (that's nice jb and aa to send your love!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So, that didn't work (the post before) so this is the picture.


Hopefully, this'll work.

This is a picture of an arabian (a horse-cue cheering).
For people who know me, I'm obsessed with horses! I mean completely obsessed. I blame my favorite series, Heartland by Lauren Brooke. It's really good. Short, sweet, and completely related to horses. Two big thumbs up from me!
Signing off now,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lunch Break Mr. Right's room

So, it's break, ArtsAddict is being annoying - what's new?

Michhy is in the library, checking out some new books. Juliet is catching on up homework.
(yeah, what's new?)
We're at Mr. Right's room, oh look, Michhy's back.
Juliet's now listening to a song that sounds HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE I tell you!! It sounds all wrong. Now it's like a opera solo like that hurts my ears.
'Smile' by Lily Allen is the only decent song that Juliet has in her iTunes.
My dad wants me to read eMagazines and eNewspapers, I guess that's OK.
I believe that Mr. Right has bursting eardrums or something.
Does any of you readers like books and horses? Tell me your website!
I have like LOADS of homework. We have to invent a charity, something that Juliet has trouble with. She was like complaining her head off.
Have to go!

Friday, September 19, 2008

My BFF from Beijing

So, since I moved like everywhere, I have like LOADS of friends -- one BFF is called Melody.

So she's here, say hi!
[Hi computer, Hi!]
[starts laughing]
LA: Sooooo, Melody, how's Beijing?
M: Great!
LA: Are ya going to make a blog?
M: I got one, but i didn't post anything inside. [grin grin]
LA: ...
This interview has officially ended.
So this is short, but friends are important! Bye, I'll post in school!
QFtD: (From New Moon, Twilight Saga. Bella Swan) "You are in trouble. Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home."

Comment people!

I think none of my friends are commenting, so this one will probably be for ya!

And then you will comment.
Yes, you will.
No doubt about it.
My friend from Beijing is coming over today and sleeping over--- I'm so excited!!
And then tomorrow, I'm going to hand out with my friends, ArtAddict and JZ.
I'm tired now.
This is a short post but I have to go to eat dinner.
LA-la (people like AA and Juliet will get the inside joke...I hope.)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I don't know these people

I have absolutely have no idea who these people are. They are like drawing on Mr. Pearce's board -- um also called Juliet, ArtAddict and moi who is witnessing this historic moment.

English people score F- on their English exam.....
"Pass the teapot....DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRLLLLLING!" - Mr. Pearkkeee.
By the way, I hate Year 9, I miss 8MP, my classmates, my teachers...
We are going GuiZhou, where we have an absolutely HORRIBLE schedule. As Juliet complains, "we have no biking schedule (shock, horror)." UGGGGGGGRRRRR!!!!!
I'm soooo upset now.
Plus Juliet is now swearing, "I'm trying to express myself properly which involves lots of swearing...[gets frustrated]
By the way, Mr. Pearce is having a baby and baby Mr. Pearkkkeee= little-inherited-slightly-posh-with-a-very-lucky-mother. Not a very good combination, eh??
I'm now talking with my friends,

My Lordy Lord Lord!


I feel tired and dead and sleepy. I think that's because my mother gave me a pill to cure colds -- which I think I have. Plus, I just finished my what-a-ma-call-it...geo project thing that's worth a third of our term grade which I just HAVE to get an A on.
So Meagan, if you're reading this, about Saturday where we planned to have a play date or something, could you call me later?
Juliet, by the way, is a hyper-emo-incredibly annoying-BFF. Along with Meagan, ArtAddict, Michelle, Kimmmeeee, my friends in USA, if you're reading this -- Julianne, Sara, Suzi, Emily, Carolyn, Meg... In Beijing, Doris, Emily, Hye Rin, Judy, Monique -- Mo Mo!, Won Jeong...
In Tianjin, Cleo, Shermaine, En Qi, Heng An, Yin...
Ok, I think I'm done.
Did I say that already?
I was planning to finish my Art and Maths but that seems that it'll have to wait until the week end which is the day after tomorrow!! Thank God! I don't think that I can take any more effort in school. Thank god for Touch rugby! I prefer it like times ten over badminton. Actually, come to think of it, either's really OK. I just think that I'm better at Touch Rugby. I can't believe that we have to run for 4 minutes non stop with sprinting like a total of a minute. It may not seem like much, but you try it. I think I was better today compared to the time before. I'm improving! *jumps in air*
Meanwhile, let's talk about my day. So, I went to school -- my math teacher has gone MAD. MAD I TELL YOU MAD!!!!! He gave us like 3 exercises to do, odd numbers, but each of them is like three pages long!!!! And there's a LOT of odd numbers.
English was fun, naturally. It was pretty mysterious with the book and everything but I'm trying my best not to spoil it for my friends cuz I already read it.
Art was OK. At least I got an A* on my homework -- I think anyways. This piece of homework that my teacher gave us is something that I'm good at. I should enjoy this.
What else? Science, we did an experiment to try to make pollen tubes grow. Ours failed. *sniff sniff* But, I think every one's did.
Meanwhile, I did Yoga for a co-curricular activity. It was fun. But a boy spoilt my relaxation later on.
So then I went on the bus. THE BUS ARRIVES AT MY HOUSE AT 6:45!!! We get out of school at 4:30!!!! So they dropped me outside of the compound and I had to walk inside..actually, dunno why I'm complaining. It was fun walking outside, pitch dark, alone, wind buffeting around la, in heaven.
Oh yeah, homework awaits.
QOtD: (Maximum Ride, #4)
Fang: You look like a...girl.
Max: There's a reason for that.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

English Homework

So, here's this post that I promised.

I'm doing my English Homework where we are learning about the play situated in 1912 (was it? Dunno.) called An Inspector Calls. I already read the book but I'm concentrating during class-- might be the only one doing that...'cept for ArtAddict.
So basically we scribbled down questions on the board (small font on the board, by the way) and we had to answer them at home. Well, technically, we don't have to. I just do that. But my English teacher said that he'll only give us ten minutes next class (eek, tomorrow) to finish it. I decided that I could use those ten minutes wisely and read Muddle Earth (or was it Muggle Earth.....hmmmm. Maybe I'll check when I have time.)
Oh well. PLUS, I have to finish my Art (more like polish, but yeah) which I already started on last week-ish. Or was it on Monday? Cuz we had no school on Monday....interesting.
By the way, I think I have brain problems, like AMP. I'm starting to talk to myself. As well as forgetting things like my PE KIT!!! I'm turning out to be Kimmee. I'll have to watch out.
So, homework time again for me. My teachers have apparently caught the hw giving sickness and torture students fever.
Ah well.
Quote of the day: My library was dukedom large enough. (I think that's how it goes.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lunch Break

Technically, we're supposed to be at Senior Chamber Choir but I was starving and my friends, being the great friends that they are, joined me. (Although Juliet Benjamyn probably was hungry as well).

So now we're at our um... ex-form tutor's room, playing, doodling on his white board and talking don't think that you should know.
Juliet is drawing a bee-like figure that she'll probably label as 'Mr. Pearce.' and ArtAddict is playing on her Mac like moi.
But now the annoying music that the school thinks is a 'bell' is now playing so I have to go.
I'll post later at home.
Literacy Actress


So, we've got this Geography project which is worth a third of our first term grade. We have to create four rules that tourists should obey at all times which should be broad rules and, apparently, not specific ones. We have to then create an original, eye-catching, crisp brochure to display these ideas. All in all, it's 30 marks.

And now, me, being me, NEEDS TO GET AN A/A*. The slight detour is that it's only 7:15 and I'm right about going to die from lack of sleep.
basically what I need to do is my Geography work and then my Chinese. Which is to practice for an oral assessment. And it's only two weeks into the school year people, TWO WEEKS.
Oh well.
Literacy Actress
Quote for the day: (this is an all time favorite from the series: Heartland) Healing Horses, Healing Hearts.


So, basically, I'm a book-worm, arts loving, writing addict girl. A girl called, nope, not Literacy Actress, but I'm not supposed to tell you.

I'm currently in Shanghai, China. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona then moved to Colchester, Connecticut (cue screaming and cheering) then moved to Tianjin, China, two years later, Beijing, China (you've heard of it, believe me. It's the great city where the long man-made monument with is probably one of the Seven Wonders of the World which can be seen from the moon is built. Nope? Geez, how thick are you? It's the place where the summer olympics of 2008 where held. Where Michael Phelps won 8 Gold Medals in a single olympics -- beat everyone? Still no? What are you? (Yeah, that's right. Not who are you but what are you? Probably a boy in my class.) It's the capital of China. Still no clue? Tough. Moving on.) Then, I went to Shanghai. This is my second year in DCS (Dulwich College ... nope, not the biased school in London where only boys can go to. But in Shanghai.)
So basically, I'm a 'goody-goody' (which is what my friends call me). I listen to the teachers (shock, horror) and dislike Maths. But adore English. Ya see? I've bought 67 books over the course of two months -- my summer holiday. I'm addicted. I completely adore horses and dogs. I like writing random free-verse poems (some of which I believe I'll post on here) and stories.
I've got a bunch of friends - you'd probably guess by the time I've travelled to so many places. I'm quite sociable and fun-loving. I'm organized, disciplined, honest, stubborn, virtuous, motivated, level-headed,[ignore me].
I have to go but I'll update sooner or later. Promise!